Laser welding application in precise instruments

Release time:2023.12.15
Laser welding is an important part of laser technology for processing the materials, mainly used in thin wall materials and low speed welding. The welding process is heat conduction method, which is laser irradiates and heats the surface of the material, through the heat conduction, the surface heat diffuses into interior area. By controlling parameters such as laser pulse width, energy, peak power, and repetition frequency, the unit is melted to form a specific melt pool. Due to its unique advantages, it has been successfully applied in the welding of micro and small parts.

Compared with other traditional welding technologies, laser welding has such advantages:
1. Fast speed, large depth, and small deformation.
2. Welding can normally work at room temperature or under special conditions, and the welding equipment is easy to set.
3. It can weld refractory materials such as titanium, quartz, etc., and can weld heterogeneous materials with good results.
4. After laser focusing, the power density is high. When welding high-power devices, the aspect ratio can reach 5:1, with a maximum of 10:1.
5. Can perform micro welding. After focusing, the laser beam can obtain a very small spot and be accurately positioned, which can be applied to the assembly welding of micro and small unit in large-scale automated production.
6. The welded seam is flat and beautiful, and there is no need for processing or only a simple processing procedure after welding
7. The welding seam has high quality and no pores, which can reduce and optimize the base metal. The microstructure can be refined after welding, and the strength and toughness of the welding seam are at least equivalent to or even exceed that of the base metal.
8. Non-contact long-distance welding can be applied to areas that are difficult to access, providing great flexibility.
9. Laser beams are easy to achieve beam splitting in time and space, allowing for simultaneous processing of multiple beams and multiple workstations, providing conditions for more precise welding.

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