Press release
Similarities and differences between laser pipe cutting and traditional pipe processing
Similarities and differences between laser pipe cutting and traditional pipe processing
In the post epidemic era, with the general trend of intelligent manufacturing and the rapid development of laser industry, laser technology and laser products are becoming more and more mature. Laser processing subverts the traditional processing methods and helps enterprises transform and upgrade and accelerate intelligent manufacturing. The traditional pipe processing method has many steps, such as sawing, milling, punching and drilling. Compared with laser pipe cutting, laser pipe cutting only needs one equipment and one operator, which greatly improves efficiency, reduces cost and forms competitive differentiation.
465,000 RMB for each, the most expensive mobile phones: only 8 in the world, utilizing laser engraving
465,000 RMB for each, the most expensive mobile phones: only 8 in the world, utilizing laser engraving
Speaking of the most expensive mobile phones, I believe most people's first reaction is Vertu, the manufacturer specializing in luxury mobile phones. When it was a functional machine, it could not move millions of one, and it was very popular.
The laser cutting method of aluminum alloy is becoming more and more perfect
The laser cutting method of aluminum alloy is becoming more and more perfect
Aluminum alloys are widely used in semiconductor and microelectronic industries because of their good physical and chemical properties and excellent mechanical properties. With the development of modern industrial products towards high strength, light weight and high performance, the laser cutting method of aluminum alloy is also developing towards precision, high efficiency and flexibility. Laser cutting has become an important method for precision machining of aluminum alloy because of its advantages such as narrow slit, small heat affected zone, high efficiency and no mechanical stress.
What influences the operation of servo motor of fiber laser cutting machine?
What influences the operation of servo motor of fiber laser cutting machine?
Fiber laser cutting machine has been widely accepted by the society and applied in many industries, which is welcomed by customers. It helps customers improve production efficiency and product competitiveness.
Fiber laser welding machine makes the welding of sensor more convenient
Fiber laser welding machine makes the welding of sensor more convenient
Sensor is a kind of high-precision testing instrument, which has strict requirements in aerospace production and manufacturing. The products must be strictly tested before they can be applied. There are integrated circuits and sensitive elements inside the sensor, which can be filled with inert gas or evacuated to isolate from the outside. There are pressure resistance and air tightness requirements. In addition, there are welding process strength requirements and air leakage rate requirements, which require high welding process quality, small deformation in the welding process, and can not damage the internal components and microcircuits.
What are the advantages of fiber laser pipe cutting machine?
What are the advantages of fiber laser pipe cutting machine?
With the continuous progress of society and the continuous improvement of work requirements, many people are in the state of indoor computer office for a long time, and their physical quality is also declining. In addition to outdoor aerobic running, other fitness equipment will be used. Fiber laser pipe cutting machine is dedicated to the processing of fitness equipment, which can effectively improve the quality and accuracy of equipment, and solve the production problem of fitness equipment.
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